Employee Clothing Allowance Program

The Force Fitters Employee Clothing Allowance Program (ECAP) is the standard for implementation of an efficient, cost effective and fully managed work clothing program.

ECAP: Employees have a pre-set clothing allowance, which can be used on garments that have been approved or specified by the employer.

The Force Fitters proprietary technology and team manages the program on the employer's behalf. According to each client’s specifications the system provides:

  • Personal login and account for each employee
  • Set spending limits based on each employee’s allowance
  • Curated garment offering based on employer's specifications
  • Orders can be placed directly on the website (Phone and email orders are accepted as well)
  • Convenient payment options
  • Orders are processed and shipped directly to the employee’s home

Managing employee clothing programs are tedious and consume extensive work hours for organizations, and requires access to multiple sources of data and tools to track. Force Fitters understands these challenges and ECAP was developed to eliminate them all. Our team will handle every step of the onboarding process as well as the ongoing day to day order management and reporting.

  • Automated email notifications for each transaction
  • Detailed on-demand reporting
  • Account restrictions to only those who are approved to purchase company apparel
  • Prevents spending above allocation limits
  • Changes can be made at any time to:
    • Apparel offerings
    • Spending limits
    • Employee accounts
    • Ship-to locations

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